850 Kids Benefit from I-Drive's 14th Annual Angel Tree Program

The I-Drive Business Improvement District and the I-Ride Trolley Service are again partnering with the Salvation Army and WKMG News 6, for its 14th annual Angel Tree program for the 2015 holiday season. I-Drive’s goal this year is to provide new clothing for 850 children in the Orange County community.
"More than 4,000 disadvantaged families have registered for holiday assistance with the Salvation Army this year," says Luann Brooks, executive director of the International Drive Improvement District.
"This year, we are working with more than 30 I-Drive industry businesses on this program that offers an easy way for anyone in the area to help a family in need during the holiday season.I-Drive looks forward to brightening the holiday season for children in our community. "
It’s this simple:participating accommodations, attractions, restaurants and other businesses in the I-Drive adopt one Angel all the way up to 100 Angels to distribute to their staff.All participating businesses are invited to deliver their Angel Tree donations at the “Angels on I-Drive” open house which takes place Dec. 9 from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the I-Drive District office located at 7081 Grand National Drive, Suite 105.
Since 1865, the Salvation Army has supported those in need with this nationally recognized program that provides new clothing or toys for underprivileged children. The structure of the program makes it easy and convenient for everyone to help a child during the holidays.
The District began participating in this program in 2002 and each year it continues to grow. The objective is to provide gifts of only new clothing for as many children as possible whose families registered for holiday assistance or children from child care centers and foster homes.
How many Angels would you like to adopt this Holiday Season? For more information or to become an "Angel," contact Denise Daugherty prior to the Nov. 12th sign-up deadline at ddaugherty@iridetrolley.com