About The District

The International Drive Master Transit and Improvement District d/b/a International Drive Business Improvement District (the “District) is an independent special district created pursuant to Article VII of the Florida constitution and Section 125.01 (5) of the Florida Statutes through ordinances passed by Orange County, Florida and the City of Orlando, Florida. The District was created via Orange County Ordinance #92-37 on November 10, 1992 and is funded primarily by ad valorem revenues assessed through three Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTU). The fiscal year of the District begins on October 1 and ends on September 30.
  • Comprised of a total land parcel count of approximately 10,387.
  • Three separate taxing units (MSTU's) are jointly governed by a Governing Board and an appointed Advisory Board.
  • The District represents $17.2 billion in Gross Taxable Value on the 2023 tax roll according to the Orange County Property Appraisers report. This represents 6.1% of all taxable value in Orange County.
  • Encompassing 8,453 acres.

The District is charged with the responsibility of managing, coordinating and/or implementing several major initiatives that contribute to the current and future economic development for the International Drive Resort Area.

  • Operation and marketing of the I-RIDE Trolley, the exclusive transportation service for the International Drive Resort Area, which travels along a 11-mile circular route. Ridership was 568,959 in 2022 and 721,557 in 2023.
  • The marketing and promotion of International Drive as Orlando's Most Dynamic Destination!
    • International Drive Official Guide Map brochure
    • Maintain the following websites:
      • InternationalDriveOrlando.com
      • IRideTrolley.com
      • IDriveDistrict.com
      • IDriveLiving.com
    • Social media - ongoing local and national social media campaigns.
  • Maintain ongoing communication with current and future developers within the District.
  • Coordinate and provide recommendations to private and local/state government organizations on matters relating to traffic, enhancement for pedestrian safety, over all mobility, security and beautification within the District.
  • Coordinate and fund the "TOPS" and the I-Drive Unit Off-Duty public safety programs being operated on behalf of the District by the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the Orlando Police Department.
  • Established the Clean Team to keep the District clean, safe and enjoyable for all.
  • Responsible for implementing and administering the Orange County Pedicab program.
  • Create, produce and update annually the only International Drive Economic Impact Analysis Report.
  • Coordinate District Partner involvement in community initiatives such as: Annual Holiday Tree Lighting Event, Salvation Army Angel Tree Program, and the Florida Citrus Bowl Game Fan Festivities on I-Drive.
  • Research, compile and report on all confirmed development within the International Drive Resort Area: including monthly article and development map.
  • Recommend and implement beautification improvements throughout the International Drive District.
  • Provide an environment which enhances the visitor experience through administration
    of landscaping maintenance and code enforcement programs.
  • District Ordinances & Resolutions
  • District Taxable Value 2022
  • District Fiscal Year 2024 Audit Report
  • District Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

The Governing Board

The Governing Board is comprised of three members of local government: the Orange County Mayor, the Orange County District 6 Commissioner and the City of Orlando District 6 Commissioner. Current Board members are:

The physical address of each member of the Governing Board may be obtained on the following respective websites of Orange County and City of Orlando.

The Advisory Board

The District is served by a five-member Advisory Board: three members are appointed by Orange County and two are appointed by the City of Orlando. Members must be a District property owner, an owner-appointed representative, or an employee of a property owner.

  • Chairperson
    Sibille Pritchard, Vice President, Orlando Plaza Partners
  • Other Members
    Joshua Wallack, Chief Operating Officer, Mango’s Tropical Café
    Russ Dagon, Senior VP of Resort Development, Universal Orlando Creative
    Marco Manzie, Founder / President, Paramount Hospitality Management
    Alejandro Pezzini, Chief Executive Officer, AMP Group
  • District Staff